Seagull Kitesurf School


Hvide Sande





Learn to kitesurf by our certified kitesurf instruktor.

We take safety very seriously and the goal is that after the course you will feel comfortable kitesurfing on your own.

We do the course at the most suitable kitesurf spot on the day, which depends on wind direction, water level etc.

The school is closed in 2024. See you again in season 2025. 🤙

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Why choose us?

Seagull kitesurf school is a Danish Sailing Union certified kitesurf school, which is runned by skilled local instructors who have many years of experience with kitesurfing. We weigh quality and safety highly and we strive for the student to be able to kitesurf safely after taking our kitesurf course.
We are a mobile kitesurfing school and therefore have the advantage that we teach at the most suitable surf spot, which has either an onshore wind or a side wind, on the day of the course.
All equipment, except neoprene shoes, is included in our courses.

Max 2 students per instructor

Most kite schools teach 4 students per instructor, but we have chosen to teach 2, which results in faster learning and better safety.

Selects the best surf spot

On the days leading up to the course, we check wind direction etc. to select the best surf spot for the course.

Wind guarantee

We only teach when there is enough wind. Should it happen that there is not enough wind on the planned day, we will move the course. However, we have the advantage that we teach close to the west coast, where there is often stable good wind.

Certified instructor

Our instructor is a certified kitesurf instructor by the Danish Sailing Union.


We are very concerned about safety in the course and our goal is that you after taking the course will be comfortable going out alone and kitesurf.

Kitesurfing course in Denmark at Ringkøbing Fjord

Depending on wind direction and course type, we select the most suitable surf spot on the day. We primarily teach kitesurfing at Kloster Surf Spot, Hvide Sande Sydmole and at Bork harbour. It will be possible to arrange a pickup point in Hvide Sande, where you can be driven to and from the spot on the teaching day.